End of an
I sit here and pen
As the end of our
Fast approaches
Men predicted this
for hundreds of years
And only a few got
it right
What an honor
It was our own stupidity
that led to this
Our fault
We lied to ourselves
We bombed each other
We taught our selves
to hate
And now it strikes
midnight and humanity shall not see the dawn
The last moments of
And to think twelve
years ago
We were afraid of
The Great
Death and life perform
A kind of profane
A dance danced by
The living
The dying
And the dead
A dance of lies and
Of bodies and corpses
Cadavers grip the
flesh of the living
Who lie to them selves
saying they don’t know
Their so afraid of
the pain
The pain of living
The dead drink blood
from razor rimed cups
While the living refuse
all sustenance
Preferring to huddle
in the corner
Watching the dance
go on
Shunning all who take
The dieing cry mournfully
Not truly excepted
by any
As they go they go
to embraced
The living their shrugged
The living still to
afraid to embrace death
What the hell
Who, what were when
What the fuck is with all this.
The cats need drinking water
The huge immovable stones can come dancing tonight
The little purple men are in the fire
Drinking vodka
Dreaming of tall illustrious, volts
Wont you eat some more fried green cat?
What the hell
Who, what were when
What the fuck is with all this.
The cats need drinking water
The huge immovable stones
Can come dancing tonight
The little purple men are in the fire
Drinking vodka
Dreaming of tall illustrious, volts
Won't you eat some more fried green cat?
The girls are in the
Bathroom, playing, shots
With turpentine
Giving the near by fishpond
The look of molten ebony.
The boys are playing Russian roulette
With uncle jacks revolver.
Making the Manson family look fine
And all it takes is mom saying
"Oh fuck, were did I put the Nerve gas"
To ruin all the fun.
Drink something, more.
Cyanide, arsenic
Anyone, come now drink up
Trepanation, anti-freeze
Poisons the blood of the soul
Come now won’t you drink to
Your health with us
No, well at least eat something
Uranium, plutonium,
Come now Decay is our sustenance
Rot our providence
Lead, mercury, Rat poison,
No well, take a breath, before
Your plunge,
Nerve gas, VX,
Come now we all must breath
Saran gas, Mustered gas, Chlorine gas,
Take the stone, push up those daises
In death we define our lives
Which witch was the one I killed?
I hate this
I killed the which the one
Who lives down the street but
Then witch just moved in next door
I put six in which’s head,
Three in the head and you know there dead
So she should have been good as dead for two right?
But no then Witch had to get up and move in
Next door
2 by 4 to the back of the skull?
Kitchen knife in the back?
Rat poison in her tea?
Gasoline in her teapot?
Gunshot to the face, oh, shit, no I tried that.
How about burning the house?
Ammonia and bleach in her sink?
Straggling her in the bathroom?
Face down in three inches of water?
Barred alive in her garden?
Head in the oven?
Vacuum cleaner to her eyes?
Stick through her ears?
Nails in the temples?
Goddamn why oh why won’t she just die?
47,000 channels of shit on my TV
This Tele-marketer called and asked about
Installing some TV and we got some channels for 3 months free, plus free installation. Well living in America I should
have known better
But I said hell yeah why not. Here is why not
I got 47,000 channels of shit on my TV
157 sports I got bowling ice fishing, poker, rock climbing, and running. Cause only in America do we watch others Exercise
while eating junk
1,012 channels of People shopping with other people’s money, buying things they’ll never use.
1,369 channels of other people cooking foods, I’ve never heard of and that cost about as much as my new car.
1,356 channels of reality TV, cause my life isn’t real enough, like I want to watch other people get their home fixed,
when mines falling apart, around me. Like I want to see there, built up drama.
2,482 channels of dumb shows and re-runs like seeing this crap the first time wasn’t bad enough.
2,079 channels of news spun the way 2,079 different groups would like it, how 2,079 want the world to be, how they wish
it were, 2,079 channels of lies.
59 channels of educational material cause what we learn in school is force feed bull shit, that’s been watered down
till the truth is some abstract concept like PI, or imaginary numbers.
5,069 channels of pay per view pornography, of lesbian strip party’s, hot threesomes, celebrates bathing, and barely
eighteen year olds posing nude with toys for the first time. Beautiful twigs having passionate sex, that in all reality would
probably cause them to break a few bones, and I get stuck touching my self to this crap.
23,616 channels of religious zealots preaching the path to salvation, can they all be right, can I be so wrong, who needs
this crap anyway.
New years 2006
His victim was just paces away.
The first bell rung out.
He pulled out his knife.
The second bell.
He closed the space between them.
The third bell.
He grabbed her from behind.
The fourth bell.
He stabbed her.
The fifth bell.
He stabbed her again.
The sixth bell.
He stabbed her again.
The seventh bell.
He bent down and bit in to her neck.
The eight bell.
He drank more and more of her blood.
The ninth bell.
She was drained dry.
The tenth bell.
He felt youth rush back into him, he was young again. So what if it would only last a year, there were more people each
year, it was getting easier the city’s grew each yeah what was one person among thousands, millions.
The eleventh bell.
He stood up and turned.
The twelfth and final bell.
One more year, this made it what, 657 . . . no 658 one more year, one more life . . .
End of an Age
I sit here and pen this
As the end of our age
Fast approaches
Men predicted this for hundreds of years
And only a few got it right
What an honor
It was our own stupidity that led to this
Our fault
We lied to ourselves
We bombed each other
We taught our selves to hate
And now it strikes midnight and humanity shall not see the dawn
The last moments of humanity
And to think twelve years ago
We were afraid of Y2K
The Great Dance
Death and life perform
A kind of profane dance
A dance danced by
The living
The dying
And the dead
A dance of lies and fear
Of bodies and corpses
Cadavers grip the flesh of the living
Who lie to them selves saying they don’t know
They’re so afraid of the pain
The pain of living
The dead drink blood from razor rimed cups
While the living refuse all sustenance
Preferring to huddle in the corner
Watching the dance go on
Shunning all who take part
The dyeing cry mournfully
Not truly excepted by any
As they go they go to embrace
The living they’re shrugged away
The living still too afraid to embrace death.
Stupid solider walking
Down the street
Stupid solider marching
To the beat
Stupid solider following
Stupid solider doing what
They say
Pull your self together
Be your self, not who they
Say you are
You don’t need them,
Fight the good fight
Everyone’s dyeing cause of orders
You going too?
Pull yourself together soldier!
When everyone else is gone,
You’ll need to lean on yourself
I am going to be gone long before
Anyone else is because
I am A solider
I am a hero
I will die for
My country
For all the right ideals
For all the wrong reasons
For all the lies
I am going to be gone long before
Anyone else is because
I am an army of one
Because I can do it all
Because I am an American
Acts of God’sSly fucker’s them
I hate them and they
Oh god don’t get me started
Or rather don’t stop me or
You’ll be the next in this train
Of cigarette smoke and body’s
Left for the cops to dig up
The next in my wake of one
Night murders
Of bloody axes and single shot
Guns of accidents and overdoses
Don’t fuck with me cause I can
Make accidents happen
Acts of god
Mother fuck
Don’t mess
Warining these might be "Love" Poems
All I know is I love you
I don’t know who it was
Maybe it was
Mr. T killed Mr. J in the study with the
Flaming underwear
Or maybe it was Mr. I C U P
In the bathroom with the plunger
The particulars of the event
Escape me now, but the whole point is
All I know is that I love you
Blood splattered the walls
And Mr. Whoever
I have given up on the name
Stood over the body of MR. J
And still all I can think of is
The flaming underwear and
Our conversations.
What comes after we talk
The parents are bitching,
The sky is a falling,
All hell is loosed,
The center can not hold,
And mere anarchy is loosed,
I am forced to say goodnight,
Though it pains me to do so,
I must take my leave of you, my love,
Though I do so with deep regret,
For I wish nothing more
Than to anything to be with you.
I can’t bring myself to hang up,
I sit and wait till I hear you hang up.
Listening to the CD you burned me,
And writing e-mail, and love poems,
You’ll never read,
Pounding out angry heart felt,
Poems, that’ll just be deleted.
I can’t bring myself,
To look at the pictures,
It hurts too much being with out you,
I can feel the tears right behind my eyelids,
Only for you would I cry,
Yet they never come,
The last rain of the year.
For you
This is the love poem I’ll never write
I think of you and I loose it all.
Knife blade stuck in his ribs and poison
Dripped into his coffee just as so much
Whisky for that early morning kick start
Bombs under cars tucked into mail boxes
Little packages of love waiting to explode bring joy
Burning hearts and me goddamn I’d kill him
Poison, Blade, Fist, Bomb, Blunt object, Gun
Thumbs up he lives, thumbs down he dies,
His life’s in my hands but yours are
Wrapped tightly around mine, caressing them
Blood and horse shit distilled, for four hours
Then distilled four more times
Cigarette ash heated till it glows
Orange then mixed with vinegar
Paint thinner
Needles dipped in liquid love stuck in his arm
A needle full of congealed blood jabbed
Under the shoulder blade then hit four to six times
Forms a blood clot that travels to his heart killing him
Boil Sulfuric acid from a car battery boiled for 2 hours
Distill bleach till you get whitish crystals then mix with
Rubbing alcohol and Sulfuric acid and you get
Military Grad C4
Equal parts
Aluminum powder and iron rust
Gas and soap flacks
Gas and Styrofoam
One part diesel fuel three parts chemical fertilizer
The little men in my head sit at their desks
Thinking of ways to kill him
Goddamn I told you I would
And I will unless you’d rather, see a movie, have dinner,
Go out somewhere, oh fuck, it’s up to you
Cause your holding onto my heart like a hand grenade
Bleeding hearts of the world unite
The charge of the trenchcoat brigade
The grand finale
The fire works over the falls
Flaming tears and pink lace love poems
In overproduced cards with heart shaped candies
Like they mean anything
They make me sick
The cancer of our society
Come on
Can’t we say something original
Or are we to scared of the silent darkness
Has capitalist America sold us on
Half assed cheap high school relationships
We both want something more
So I’ll write my own poems
Cause fuck them
these are no longer love poepls.
Acts of God’s
Sly fucker’s them
I hate them and they
Oh god don’t get me started
Or rather don’t stop me or
You’ll be the next in this train
Of cigarette smoke and body’s
Left for the cops to dig up
The next in my wake of one
Night murders
Of bloody axes and single shot
Guns of accidents and overdoses
Don’t fuck with me cause I can
Make accidents happen
Acts of god
Mother fuck
Don’t mess
No names for the dead
No names for the dead
Nova & Orion
Robin hood
100% chance of fire storms
In Mordor,
To the east the great beast rises,
Flames and hate
The last days of man, have come and gone,
Are we here to stay?
We are our own worst enemy
VX, and Mustered, gas
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Smallpox’s, black plague
All is fair in love and war,
It’s all a game,
Of chicken who will
Back down first It’s absurd
And Hitler’s winning
Stalin’s just got a full house
A pocket full of poses
And we all fall down
Bang bang bang
We’re all dead come now
Join the party in hell
All expenses paid
Dark gloom grows
In the night
And on the eastern front
It’s a pounding rock concert of death
The guns glow and the night
Is filled with screams
The bombs falling
The buildings are burning
And suddenly there is nothing we can do
All the innocent are dead
And the red buttons been pushed
All through this dyeing land
It’s Cold Night
The night of broken glass
The night of death
Disappearing in to night and fog
We have taken the step in to
We have started total war
One we can’t end
It’s our time
Our obituaries on the front page
The end of our age has come
Every ones a target now,
Death rains on us from the sky,
Hate fills the river,
Just as the torrents
Of blood cleanse the land
All hail the victorious dead
What is going on here
What is going on here
Pyros living in wooden houses
Marxists with trust funds
38oz of pure healthy 10 times more
For free and don’t forget the
Wildfires, hurricanes, floods and the aliens
For only 12.29 a month higher is really
Better open 24/7 365 days a year
Except for some random days
6 different flavors
Chewy, creamy, yummy, rich,
Healthy, and fast food.
And hell just froze over so I’ll
Um be going out the door.
The conversations over and
I’ll yell theater in a crowded fire
Can’t think
What the &%*$
Robin hood and +DR life
Ctrl + T is death
And Ctrl + r is life
Alt tab reveals the truth
When all is hidden
Shift shows you were the mines are,
Were to step and were not to
Ctrl Alt Delete
And it’s all over