On this page I'll include some of my favorite places on the web, along with an explanation of what I like about each site.
This is a site my friend does it's his comic and personally I think there fucking awesome. So deal with it. ok?
Folowing Linkes are to sites realated to my favoret TV Show Farscape, it's no longer on, grrrr
SciFi.com's Farscape Website
Farscape world
Here are some more linkes to good stuff
Napalm records, its awesome site, check the store to great music
End of the web 1
End of the web 2
The End of the web 3, how many are there, hmmm.... how knows sreach googel.
A Site making fun of Bush.
the internet is shit
Star Destroyer dot net, vist it.
Maddox, um it's random but good yeah good, yeah just go to it all ready
News You Will Not Find on CNN